HeLPing you pick up the pieces


When relationships break down it is often difficult to know what to do, particularly when children are involved.

There are many points to consider – financial aspects, pensions and contact with the children. We can give clients the information they need so that they know where they stand and can see a way forward.

We deal with private clients, and will advise you about contracts, dividing property and will make any necessary applications.

We can help you to maintain your parental rights and sort out your finances.and deal with change of names.

We can also advise grandparents as to their rights of contact to their grandchildren.

Pre-Nuptual Agreements – in these days and times, people often feel the need to secure their finances and assets, whether business, family, property, heirlooms etc, before embarking on marriage.  We are able to advise you on the best way to protect your holdings and draw up an appropriate document.

"I have to say, that I am very impressed with the helpfulness of the admin team, my divorce solicitor was very professional and I am truly grateful for the way in which the firm picked my case up halfway through and provided me with invaluable assistance and knowledge."